Senshu University Library

Shame and necessity

Bernard Williams ; with a new foreword by A.A. Long ; : pbk. -- University of California Press, 2008. -- (Sather classical lectures ; 57)(A centennial book). <BB00913382>
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No. Library Location Collection Call No Volumes YM of Serial Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 Main 2Fピンク区画 /991/W74 : pbk 205685464 配架済 0items
No. 0001
Library Main
Location 2Fピンク区画
Call No /991/W74
Volumes : pbk
YM of Serial
Material ID 205685464
Status 配架済
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Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Shame and necessity / Bernard Williams ; with a new foreword by A.A. Long
publication,distribution,etc.,area Berkeley, Calif. ; London : University of California Press , c2008
physical description area xxi, 254 p. ; 23 cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9780520256439
parent bibliography link Sather classical lectures <BB00274015> 57//a
parent bibliography link A centennial book <BB00248469>//a
note "First paperback printing 1994"--T.p. verso
note Originally published 1993
note Bibliography: p. 231-242
note Includes index
NCID BB00665707
text language code English
author link *Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen, 1929- <AU00155945>
author link Long, A. A. <AU00105010>
classification DC22:881.0109384
subject headings Greek poetry -- History and criticism
subject headings Necessity (Philosophy) in literature
subject headings Philosophy, Ancient, in literature
subject headings Shame in literature
subject headings Ethics in literature