
Negotiating health : intellectual property and access to medicines

edited by Pedro Roffe, Geoff Tansey and David Vivas-Eugui ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Earthscan, 2006. <BB00267791>

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0001 法科分館 開架コーナー /499/N62 : pbk 205253289 配架済 0件
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所蔵館 法科分館
配置場所 開架コーナー
請求記号 /499/N62
巻号 : pbk
資料ID 205253289
状態 配架済
予約 0件


タイトル・著者名 Negotiating health : intellectual property and access to medicines / edited by Pedro Roffe, Geoff Tansey and David Vivas-Eugui
出版 London ; Sterling, VA : Earthscan , 2006
形態事項 xviii, 302 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
ISBN 1844072940
ISBN 1844072959
内容著作注記 From Paris to Doha : the WTO Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health / Pedro Roffe with Christoph Spennemann and Johanna von Braun
内容著作注記 The cycle of action and reaction : developments and trends in intellectual property and health / Frederick M. Abbott
内容著作注記 Ensuring access to medicines in 2005 and beyond / Karin Timmermans
内容著作注記 Role, perspectives and challenges of the generic pharmaceutical industry in Latin America / Mirta Levis
内容著作注記 Market concentration of the transnational pharmaceutical industry and the generic industries : trends on mergers, acquisitions and other transactions / Barbara Rosenberg
内容著作注記 Protecting test data for pharmaceutical and agrochemical products under free trade agreements / Carlos M. Correa
内容著作注記 Intellectual property, data exclusivity, innovation and market access / Meir Perez Pugatch
内容著作注記 The international legal status of undisclosed clinical trial data : from private to public goods? / Jerome H. Reichman
内容著作注記 Data protection : options for implementation / Robert Weissman
内容著作注記 Advancing public health by other means: using competition policy / Jonathan Berger
内容著作注記 Product development partnerships on neglected diseases : intellectual property and improving access to pharmaceuticals for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria / Roy Widdus
内容著作注記 Creating and promoting domestic drug manufacturing capacities : a solution for developing countries? / Joan Rovira
内容著作注記 Four practical measures to enhance access to medical technologies / James Love
内容著作注記 Expanding policy options for access to medicines for all / Geoff Tansey
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. [279]-295) and index
注記 HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0517/2005022170.html Information=Table of contents
NCID BA78983306
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Roffe, Pedro <>
著者標目リンク Tansey, Geoff <AU00238159>
著者標目リンク Vivas Eugui, David <>
分類標目 LCC:RA395.A3
分類標目 NLM:2006 A-758
分類標目 NLM:QV 736
分類標目 DC22:362.1
件名標目等 Medical policy
件名標目等 Drugs
件名標目等 Pharmaceutical industry
件名標目等 Health services accessibility
件名標目等 Intellectual property
件名標目等 Patent laws and legislation
件名標目等 Drug Industry -- ethics
件名標目等 Drugs, Essential
件名標目等 Intellectual Property
件名標目等 Patents -- ethics
件名標目等 World Health